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Answering: Can You Wear Dentures If You Have Bone Loss?

Published On: January 18th, 20235 min readViews: 2237

Many people falsely assume that dentures are not an option if they have bone loss. Nothing could be further from the truth. While having more jawbone does improve denture retention and stability, technology is changing. There are newer and better solutions available for patients who must wear dentures in the presence of bone loss. Today we are going to explore this topic in greater detail.

Types of Jawbone Loss

There are different types of dental bone loss. Bone loss is a spectrum of disease processes that range from localized to generalized. Bone loss in specific areas is usually the result of bone resorption from previous dental extractions, long-standing issues with an infected tooth, or trauma. Generalized bone loss is most often associated with the presence of periodontal disease. Either way, jawbone height and width loss can affect your ability to enjoy your dentures. Still, options are available that make it possible to wear dentures even if you suffer from bone loss. 

Types of Dentures and Bone Loss

Wearing dentures, in general, can prove to be challenging. Depending on the type of dentures you wear, wearing dentures can be more frustrating when there is less bone. In addition to having less bone for dentures to rest upon, bone loss can also contribute to your face having a collapsed look that makes you appear prematurely older than your actual age.

Full Dentures

After the extraction of all of the teeth, the jawbone no longer has the function to support natural teeth. Without a purpose, it begins the process of naturally dissolving away. If you have had gum disease before removing your teeth, bone loss will be much more pronounced, making it more difficult to wear dentures. But wearing dentures does stimulate the bone, causing it to resorb at a slower rate than a similar person who has no teeth and chooses not to wear dentures.

Because traditional dentures rest upon the remaining gum tissue and jawbone, having less bone equates to wearing dentures more prone to movement and slipping during function. However, Digital Dentures made using 21st-century technology allow for a precise fit even in the presence of bone loss. 

See Also: A Guide to the Difference Between Full Dentures Features

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures can be the easiest type of denture to transition to and to wear with localized bone loss because the support for the partial is derived from the remaining natural teeth. As long as the supporting teeth remain solid and free from disease, a partial can be a very comfortable and economical solution to replace a few missing teeth.

However, if periodontitis is allowed to advance and the teeth that support the partial become loose, the partial will eventually fail. This is why it is critical to have regular maintenance appointments with your dentist to prevent bone loss from spreading and becoming worse with time.

Immediate Dentures

Immediate dentures are a “best guess” idea of what is likely to happen after dental extractions. When patients have experienced bone loss before the removal of their teeth, the amount of bone resorption and tissue shrinkage that occurs right after extractions is generally more dramatic than a patient without bone loss will experience. This means that the immediate denture will likely be loose right away.

The immediate denture may require a series of temporary relines to improve the fit as you navigate the initial healing and recovery process. Since immediate dentures are designed to be worn for four to eight months, consider wearing them a necessary transition until you can have dentures made that fit precisely on healed gums.

Can You Wear Dentures If You Have Bone Loss?

Certainly, even with bone loss, you can wear dentures. Wearing dentures is challenging for all denture patients in the beginning. Getting used to wearing and chewing with a prosthetic substitute takes time, practice, and patience. Dentures are a foreign object; they don’t automatically feel comfortable the first time you wear them. Persevere and don’t give up. Look at all of the people before you, with or without bone loss, who have mastered dentures. You can too.

Bone Grafts for Dentures

Depending upon the severity of your bone loss and overall health, it may be possible to undergo bone grafting surgery for dental implants to be placed. Doing this allows a denture to be stabilized and anchored into place. Many people go from wearing traditional dentures that are okay to experience a world of difference when their dentures snap into place, making the denture feel much more natural to speak and chew without worrying that it might slip. Bone grafts put back the bone you’ve lost and enable you to improve your appearance and comfort while preventing additional bone loss. Talk about revolutionary treatment!

See Also: Bone Grafting for Denture Implants: Overview, Materials, and Procedure

Process of Preparing for Dentures with Bone Loss

If you have some of your natural teeth remaining, don’t go down without a fight. Wearing partial dentures stabilized by some natural teeth is almost always more desirable and easier to wear than complete dentures. That’s why it is important to maintain the health of your remaining teeth and gums for as long as practical.

While traditional dentures are a suitable solution for people who have lost all their natural teeth, implant-supported dentures can improve your quality of life. If you are a candidate for implants, the results can be life-changing! Proper maintenance is required to assure that the investment in your better health lasts for a lifetime.

Working with Bone Loss for Excellent Results

Whether you have bone loss or are losing your teeth because of advancing gum disease, European Denture Center has solutions specially designed to help you thrive while wearing dentures. With numerous partial and complete denture solutions plus implant-supported denture options, there is no reason that you can’t live your best life with dentures.

See Also: Buyer’s Guide to Implant-Supported Dentures: Types and Cost

Why assume that you are destined for dentures that are impossible to wear just because you have bone loss? Know your options. Make your consultation appointment with one of our caring dental professionals today.

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